Personal data:
Name: | Alexandru SOFRONIA |
Birthday: | 30.04.1982 |
Place of birth: | Bacau, Romania |
Email: |
- 2008-2009 Doctoral School in Computer Science, University of Bucharest
Doctorand Informatica / PhD Student (Theoretical Computer Science)
Coordonator: Prof. Dr. Adrian ATANASIU
Discontinued after 1 year
- 2006-2008 Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Bucharest
Masterand "Sisteme Distribuite"/ Distributed Systems
Diploma: Masterat in Informatica / MSc in Computer Science - 06.2008
Lucrare/Thesis Title: "Ideal Access Structures and Secret Sharing Schemes"
Coordonator: Prof. Dr. Adrian ATANASIU
- 2002-2006 Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Bucharest
Diploma: Licentiat in Informatica / BSc in Computer Science - 06.2006
Lucrare/Thesis Title: "Securitatea fluxului informational" -
Coordonator: Prof. Dr. Adrian ATANASIU
- 2001-2002 Automatics and Computer Science, Politehnica University of Bucharest
Discontinued after 1 year
- 1997-2001 "Gheorghe Vranceanu" High School, Bacau
Mathematics and Physics
Professional experience:
- Research Assistant - MOCALC Research Center - University of Bucharest (Centrul de Cercetare in Modele de Calcul, Algoritmi si Criptografie) (02.2009 - )
- Research Assistant - Project SEFIN - "Multidisciplinary surveys concerning the utility of the intelligent informatics system for effective learning"
- Research Assistant - Project GLOBALCOMP - "Models, semantics, logics and techniques for global computing" - Business Analyst & Project Manager- SIVECO Romania SA- eLearning / R&D Projects (10.2007 - 07.2010)
- Project Manager - Project A-PORT - National Portal: Methodologies, indicators and instruments regarding the permanent measurement of clients' demands in water supply and purification-sewerage services
- Business Analysis - Project SELF - Standard ELearning Language and Format
- Technical Manager - Project ACGT - Framework Programme 6 - Leader of WP14 Training and ACGT Portal
- Business Analyst - Project MCTI-SOA- Analysis of optimal (service oriented) architectures and topologies for eGovernment systems
- Business Analyst - Project Eurocancercoms FP7 - Establishing an efficient network for cancer communication in Europe
- Researcher& Software Developer - Softwin SRL - R&D (08.2006 - 08.2007)
- Research and Software Development (C++, Octave) - Project BIOACS - Biometric System for acquisition and verification of dynamic signature
- Business Analysis - Project SISEB - Biometric Signature Secured e-Banking System
Research papers:
- Catalin Dima, Constantin Enea, Radu Gramatovici, Alexandru Sofronia - "Strategy-based and knowledge-based models of information flow: equivalence and decidability",
9th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing (SYNASC 2007), Timisoara, Romania, September 2007 - A. Popa, A. Sofronia, Gh. Stefanescu - "High-level structured interactive programs with registers and voices",
Journal of Universal Computer Science, Vol. 13, Issue 11, November 2007, pages 1722-1754 - A. Sofronia, A. Popa, Gh. Stefanescu - "Undecidability Results for Finite Interactive Systems",
SYNASC '08: Proceedings of the 2008 10th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing - A. Sofronia, A. Popa, Gh. Stefanescu - "Undecidability Results for Finite Interactive Systems"(extended version),
ROMJIST Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology - Volume 12, Number 2, 2009, pp. 265 - 279
Research indexing:
Domenii de cercetare:
- Cryptography and security - possibilistic models for information flow, ideal access structures, secret sharing schemes
- Formal Languages - applications in Bioinformatics and Bio-inspired computational models
- Formal Verification Systems
- Facultatea de Matematica si Informatica, Universitatea din Bucuresti
- Catedra de Fundamentele Informaticii
- Grupul Informatica2006
- Grupul Master Program 2006-2008
- Grupul dedicat criptografiei - Univ din Bucuresti / Facultatea de Matematica si Informatica
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